Are you thinking about advertising your business online? If you are not, internet marketing should be one of the first things you look into to promote your website. Use this article to learn some of the more basic concepts involved in Internet marketing, and start your Internet marketing campaign today.
Links that appear on each page of your website are considered site wide links. Many times, they are placed below everything else on the site page. Site wide links are good to have in your main page for everyone to see, like a pre-sell or order page. To get to these key links, visitors merely have to glance at the bottom of the page and click the appropriate link. You can also lay the links out in a menu that helps visitors navigate to the rest of your site. Menus need to be organized and descriptive.
Perhaps the most important aspect of HTML for attracting visitors is the code referred to as meta tags. Visitors don't see your meta tags; but search engines do and will use them to figure out what your website it about. When working with meta tags, remember that the ones you create first are the most crucial. They should be on target with respect to relevance of your site content. Make sure each page has alternate meta tags, but do not overuse them. Look up the best keywords that can be used to perfectly describe the products in your website.
Use H tags to single out your titles and keywords. This important tag will have tagged text show up in big, bold letters. These tags can be applied to titles and important small paragraphs. Use the tag